I have this primitive timer mechanism that loops forever. This is like a notification when Eio.Condition is set.
let rec periodic_timer () =
Eio_main.run @@ fun env ->
let timeout_duration = election_timeout in
let term_started = current_term.currentterm in
let mutex = Eio.Mutex.create() in
let cond = Eio.Condition.create () in
let clock = Eio.Stdenv.clock env in
Fiber.both (fun () ->
let rec loop () =
Eio.Time.sleep clock 1.0;
Eio.Condition.broadcast cond;
Fiber.yield ();
loop ()
loop ()
(fun () ->
let rec loop () =
traceln "Waiting for timeout event ";
await_timeout cond;
(* checkelection_state mutex timeout_duration term_started; *)
(* Any other logic *)
traceln "timeout event ";
Fiber.yield ();
loop ()
loop ()
This works for now. If I have to stop this I can probably check if a value has changed or not and then choose not to sleep and continue running the timer. This is my idea of a manual check to stop this timer loop.
But I also have this code.
let current_term = { currentterm = 0; changed = Eio.Condition.create () }
(* TODO Use effectively this Pattern that awaits a change. *)
let setterm mutex value=
Eio.Mutex.use_rw ~protect:true mutex (fun () ->
current_term.currentterm <- !value)
let await_term_change t =
while t.currentterm <> 0 do Eio.Condition.await_no_mutex t.changed done;
traceln "Current term is set"
that can start the timer again based on a condition. I am trying to figure out how to set up a link between this Eio.condition and the timer to stop the timer. I will restart it elsewhere based on some other condition.
Is there a Eio mechanism that can cancel and restart this timer ? I was also trying not to use a ‘loop’ but this works.