Bootstrapping our way to Hashconsing and quotations with PPX Rewriters

This post is about PPX rewriters, using multiple of them in sequence,
using one rewriter in implementing others, and getting to something
… somewhat surprisingly complex, in simple steps. All of this has
been done using PPX rewriters based on camlp5 (and pa_ppx), but
should in principle be doable on ppxlib (the standard support
infrastructure for PPX rewriters).

I should note that the portions regarding hash-consing are all a
pretty faithful re-implementation and mechanization of the paper of
Filliatre and Conchon:
Type-Safe Modular Hash-Consing.
All errors are mine, of course.

TL;DR This post describes how, starting with an AST type and a parser
for it, we can more-or-less automatically generate

  • hash-consed versions of the AST,
  • functions back-and-forth,
  • and surface-syntax “quotation” expanders for both types

so that code doesn’t need to manipulate the AST directly, but can
instead use the surface syntax (hence being more-or-less indifferent
to whether it’s applied to the original or hashconsed version of the

All of the code discussed here is available on github at: , in projects camlp5/pa_ppx,
camlp5/pa_ppx_{migrate,hashcons,q_ast,params}. The latter ones are
not (yet) released on OPAM, but will be soon. I apologize in advance
for the nonexistent-to-poor documentation: I’m working on it! Working
code for everything described below can be found at
camlp5/pa_ppx_q_ast/tests, in the directories sexp_example and

Motivation (a Concrete Example)

The ability to transparently introduce hash-consing into a complex
collection of AST types should need no argument. The ability to use
“quotations” over such an AST type might need some motivation. So
consider a type of s-expressions, viz

type sexp =
    Atom of string
  | Cons of sexp * sexp
  | Nil

with the obvious parsing that we’re all used-to from LISP/Scheme. The
hashconsed version of this type is

    type sexp_node =
        Atom of string
      | Cons of sexp * sexp
      | Nil
    and sexp = sexp_node hash_consed

with (from the opam package hashcons)

type +'a hash_consed = private {
  hkey : int;
  tag : int;
  node : 'a }

NOTE: there is a nuance here that I’ll address at the end of ths post
in the section "Appendix B: Types with and without vala".

Let’s suppose we want to write the function atoms : sexp -> string list that returns the list of string (those wrapped by Atom) at the
leaves of the s-expression. The code is easy enough (just rotate
left-child cons-nodes to the right, until we get an atom (or Nil) and
then move on to the cdr. This is a good example to consider, because
it requires multi-level pattern-matching and multi-level
constructor-expressions. So the introduction of meaningless
bureaucracy will be palpable.

let rec atoms =
    Nil -> []
  | Atom a -> [a]
  | Cons(Cons(caar, cdar), cdr) ->
      atoms (Cons(caar, Cons (cdar, cdr)))
  | Cons(Nil, cdr) -> atoms cdr
  | Cons(Atom a, cdr) -> a :: atoms cdr

and the hashconsed version is

    let rec atoms =
        {node = Nil} -> []
      | {node = Atom a} -> [a]
      | {node = Cons({node = Nil}, cdr)} -> atoms cdr
      | {node = Cons({node = Atom a}, cdr)} -> a :: atoms cdr
      | {node = Cons ({node = Cons (caar, cdar)}, cdr)} ->
          atoms (make_sexp (Cons (caar, (make_sexp (Cons (cdar, cdr))))))

As you can see, there are extra patterns { node = ...} and a new
constructor make_sexp (to perform the actual hashtable lookup &
consing). And these extra bits appear at multiple levels in both
patterns and expressions.

Wouldn’t it be nice, if we could write one version of this code, viz.

let rec atoms = function
    <:sexp< () >> -> []
  | <:sexp< $atom:a$ >> -> [a]
  | <:sexp< ( () . $exp:cdr$ ) >> -> atoms cdr
  | <:sexp< ( $atom:a$ . $exp:cdr$ ) >> -> a::(atoms cdr)
  | <:sexp< ( ( $exp:caar$ . $exp:cdar$ ) . $exp:cdr$ ) >> ->
    atoms <:sexp< ( $exp:caar$ . ( $exp:cdar$ . $exp:cdr$ ) ) >>

and merely by changing “<:sexp<” to “<:hcsexp<” get a version of the
function that works on hashconsed s-expressions? The text within
<:sexp< .... >> is called a “quotation” in Camlp5, and is similar to
the same concept in ppx_metaquot and the much older LISP idea of
“quasi-quotation”. The contained text is parsed with a parser for
s-expressions, slightly modified to have indications for where the
text $...$ may appear – these are called "anti-quotations’, and can
contain OCaml source code (e.g. variables) albeit not quotations (so
no arbitrary nesting). The “quotation expander” parses this text to
AST and applies a converter to produce an OCaml expression or pattern
AST that does what the quotation intends. The lovely thing is, by
changing out the quotation-expander (replace “sexp” with “hcsexp”) we
can change the code that is generated, and if the quotation-expander
is generated from the type definition, it’s not actually any work for
the programmer to achieve this.

NOTE: Unlike with ppx_metaquot, the antiquotations can be placed in
nearly-arbitrary positions in the parse-tree (hence, in the AST):
there is no requirement that they correspond to variable-names or
identifiers in the OCaml AST: indeed, our running example will not
be the OCaml AST, even though all of this machinery has been
applied-to the OCaml AST successfully.

In this post I’ll walk you thru how to achieve this goal: building up
the machinery, step-by-step, to allow one to write basically arbitrary
expressions in your AST’s surface syntax, and automatically get either
"normal’ (no hash-consing) or “hashconsed” patterns & expressions.

A High-Level Plan of Attack

A while back in the “Future of PPX” post (
The future of ppx ) there was some
discussion of hash-consing for ASTs, and the complexities of achieving
it. I wrote a reply post “Hashconsing an AST via PPX” (
Hashconsing an AST via PPX ) where I
showed how one could use a PPX rewriter to automate the task of
“re-sharing” an AST when writing a top-down/bottom-up rewriter for an
AST. (That is, you’re walking an AST, making small modifications, but
most of it stays the same; so in principle, at a node Add(Mul(e1,e2), e3) when rewriting e3 actually changes it visibly, but Mul(e1,e2)
doesn’t, we might want the output value’s first subtree to be
pointer-equal to the input’s first subtree.) I called this
"rehashcons"ing (admittedly not a great name). The idea being,
rehashcons is not trying to hash-cons, but only to restore whatever
sharing was there originally, to whatever extent that’s possible.

But this is neither sufficient in all cases, nor real hash-consing.
The problem with hash-consing is::

A. If you start with an AST type that doesn’t have the various bits
needed for hash-consing (at a minimum, a type 'a node = { it : 'a ; hashcode : int } and its use at each spot where we want to
hash-cons) then you have to first produce a new AST type with those bits
inserted. Let’s call these the “normal” and “hashconsed” ASTs.

B. You have to write tons of boilerplate code: first, to map
to-and-from these two type-families, and second to implement the
hash-consing (special constructors, (ephemeral) hashtables
here-and-there, etc). Then perhaps you’d like to memoize functions
over these hash-consed ASTs, and that’s more boilerplate.

C. And then, when it comes to writing expressions and patterns over
this new AST type, you have to remember where the “special bits” go
– where to insert the special constructors, and where to add
{it=....} to patterns.

It’s all a bit of a tedious bother, when what we want is to just
manipulate the hashconsed data-type as if it were the “normal” type,
and have the messy bits filled-in for us.

This post is about how to achieve that.

A plan for how to achieve reasonably transparent hash-consing

Let’s first map out the plan of attack:

  1. Start with an AST type (or types) for our language, and a parser
    (in this case, written using Camlp5’s grammar machinery).

  2. Add to the AST type some indications for where antiquotations may
    go, and modify the parser to parse these antiquotations. We’ll
    call this the “normal” AST type. Note that this is the version
    with antiquotation markers.

  3. [pa_ppx_hashcons] Generate a hashconsed version of the AST type from the
    “normal” AST type.

  4. [pa_ppx_migrate] Generate functions back-and-forth between “normal” and “hashconsed”
    versions of the AST type. So we’re hashconsing the version with
    antiquotation markers. We could hashcons the version without
    antiquotation markers, and everything here would still work out
    … but it would be more complicated to explain.

  5. [pa_ppx_q_ast] From each of the “normal” and “hashconsed” AST types, generate
    functions that can take values of the type and generate OCaml code
    for patterns and expressions that correspond to those values.

  6. [pa_ppx.deriving_plugins.params] In implementing the above, we’re
    describing complex tasks, so it’s possible that when not
    automatically inferrable from types, the “hints” we might need to
    give will be complex. It would be nice if there were a way to
    automatically generate code to parse such specifications. If we
    were writing some other application, we might want to use
    ppx_deriving.yojson (or our equivalent,
    pa_ppx.deriving_plugins.yojson) and write our specification in
    JSON. But since we’re writing a PPX rewriter, the specification
    will come in the payload of a PPX attribute/extension. Since our
    “hints” might need to contain types and expressions, we’d probably
    like the payload to be real expressions and types. So what we need
    is a type-driven mapping from expression-ASTs, to expressions.

    Then, when implementing a PPX rewriter, we can write down the type
    of its “params”, and from that generate the function that will
    convert expression-ASTs to that type.

The implementation of all of the above, is what I will describe in the
rest of this note. I’ve applied it to

  • (simple) s-expressions
  • (simple) deBruijn lambda-terms
  • (simple) named-variable lambda-terms
  • (complex and comprehensive) the entire OCaml AST in Camlp5.

A Worked Example: s-expressions.

In this section, I’ll work thru how to apply the ideas above,
step-by-step, to s-expressions. Everything described here is working
code, documented and tested in

0. Write the AST type (without antiquotations)

Copying from above

type sexp =
    Atom of string
  | Cons of sexp * sexp
  | Nil

1. Add antiquotation markers and add a parser

type sexp =
    Atom of (string vala)
  | Cons of (sexp vala) * (sexp vala)
  | Nil

The type 'a vala is a Camlp5 type-constructor. It contains either
a value of type 'a, or an antiquotation. A short argument for why
antiquotations markers are necessary, can be found in “Appendix C: Is
vala Necessary?”

Here’s the parser:

  sexp: [
      a = V atom "atom" -> sexp_atom a
    | "(" ; l1 = LIST1 v_sexp ; opt_e2 = OPT [ "." ; e2 = v_sexp -> e2 ] ; ")" ->
      match opt_e2 with [
        None -> List.fold_right (fun vse1 se2 -> Sexp.Cons vse1 <:vala< se2 >>) l1 sexp_nil
      | Some ve2 ->
         let (last, l1) = sep_last l1 in
         List.fold_right (fun vse1 se2 -> Sexp.Cons vse1 <:vala< se2 >>) l1
           (Sexp.Cons last ve2)
    | "(" ; ")" ->

  v_sexp: [[ v = V sexp "exp" -> v ]];

  atom: [[ i = LIDENT -> i | i = UIDENT -> i | i = INT -> i ]] ;

  sexp_eoi: [ [ x = sexp; EOI -> x ] ];

This is an LL(1) grammar, interpreted by Camlp5, and the marker for
antiquotations is “V”. Full details of the grammar language can be
found in the Camlp5 documentation. You can see in it, that we’ve used
V sexp "exp" (renamed for convenience to “v_sexp”) everywhere
internally, and that Atom is parsed by V atom "atom" (again,
giving an antiquotation position.).

2. Generate a Hashconsed version of the AST type

This is the input to the camlp5/pa_ppx_hashcons PPX rewriter. This
rewriter implements the method of Jean-Christophe Filliatre and
Sylvain Conchon, from their paper
Type-Safe Modular Hash-Consing.
In short, we specify a few module-names, equality and hash functions
for external type-constructors (which necessarily cannot participate
in hash-consing) and the type-signatures of memo-izers we wish
generated. The rewriter generates efficient hash-constructors and
hash/equality-functions: consult the paper for details.

Here’s the actual code:

[%%import: Sexp.sexp]
[@@deriving hashcons { hashconsed_module_name = HC
                     ; normal_module_name = OK
                     ; external_types = {
                         Ploc.vala = {
                           preeq = (fun f x y -> match (x,y) with
                               (Ploc.VaAnt s1, Ploc.VaAnt s2) -> s1=s2
                             | (Ploc.VaVal v1, Ploc.VaVal v2) -> f v1 v2
                         ; prehash = (fun f x -> match x with
                             Ploc.VaAnt s -> Hashtbl.hash s
                           | Ploc.VaVal v -> f v
                     ; pertype_customization = {
                         sexp = {
                           hashcons_constructor = sexp

The resulting OCaml module will contain two new modules: OK (which
contains a copy of the original AST) and HC (which contains the
hashconsed AST, as well as functions for hash-consing, memoizing,
etc). The hashconsed AST type is as described in the previous

Generate functions back-and-forth between “normal” and “hashconsed” versions of the AST type.

To generate functions back-and-forth between the two versions of the
AST type, we use the pa_ppx_migrate PPX rewriter. Here is the input
for generating the function from the “normal” (OK) to the
“hashconsed” (HC) AST. The reverse direction isn’t much different.
Notice that we don’t actually write any migration code, except for
external types (vala). In much-more-complicated examples, the
succinctness of this method over the actual code can be quite
significant. It has been applied to the 10 versions of the OCaml AST
(to generate something quasi-equivalent to ocaml-migrate-parsetree,
and the succinctness gains there are significant.

[%%import: Sexp_hashcons.OK.sexp]
[@@deriving migrate
    { dispatch_type = dispatch_table_t
    ; dispatch_table_constructor = make_dt
    ; dispatchers = {
        migrate_vala = {
          srctype = [%typ: 'a Ploc.vala]
        ; dsttype = [%typ: 'b Ploc.vala]
        ; subs = [ ([%typ: 'a], [%typ: 'b]) ]
        ; code = _migrate_vala
      ; migrate_sexp_node = {
          srctype = [%typ: sexp_node]
        ; dsttype = [%typ: Sexp_hashcons.HC.sexp_node]
      ; migrate_sexp = {
          srctype = [%typ: sexp]
        ; dsttype = [%typ: Sexp_hashcons.HC.sexp]
        ; code = (fun __dt__ x ->
            Sexp_hashcons.HC.sexp (__dt__.migrate_sexp_node __dt__ x)

4. Generate functions to map (parsed) values to OCaml AST expressions/patterns

We use the pa_ppx_q_ast PPX rewriter, and invoke it twice: once with
the “normal” AST type (Sexp.sexp) and once with the hashconsed type
(Sexp_hashcons.HC.sexp). The two quotation-expanders are named,
respectively, “sexp” and “hcsexp” (the names are chosen only for this
presentation and are not significant).

module Regular = struct
type sexp = [%import: Sexp.sexp]
[@@deriving q_ast { data_source_module = Sexp }]

Quotation.add "sexp"
  (apply_entry Pa_sexp.sexp_eoi E.sexp P.sexp)

module Hashcons = struct

[%%import: Sexp_hashcons.HC.sexp]
[@@deriving q_ast {
    data_source_module = Sexp_hashcons.HC
  ; quotation_source_module = Sexp_migrate.FromHC
  ; hashconsed = true

Quotation.add "hcsexp"
  (apply_entry Pa_sexp.sexp_hashcons_eoi E.sexp P.sexp)

Putting it all together

So: we start with an AST type and a parser, to which antiquotation
markers have been added. We generate a hashconsed version of the AST
type, and functions back-and-forth to the “normal” version of the
type. Since we have a parser for the “normal” version, we now have a
parser for the “hashconsed” version.

The fancy bit is that Camlp5 has built-in machinery to map values of
types in the OCaml AST of Camlp5 (which is a different recursive type,
but more-or-less equivalent to the official OCaml AST) to expressions
and patterns that correspond to those values. So the actual AST
value corresponding to x + 1 can be mapped to either an expression
(that when evaluated, produces that value) or a pattern (that matches
that value). But since our AST type contains antiquotation markers,
the AST value corresponding to $x$ + 1 can also be mapped to an
expression/pattern, only this time, with OCaml variable x as the
first argument to (+).

The pa_ppx_q_ast PPX rewriter generalizes this and makes it possible
to apply to any AST type (and also to apply to the OCaml AST type in
Camlp5, so nothing has been lost).

Using the quotations

And finally, we can use those quotations:

let rec atoms = function
    <:sexp< () >> -> []
  | <:sexp< $atom:a$ >> -> [a]
  | <:sexp< ( () . $exp:cdr$ ) >> -> atoms cdr
  | <:sexp< ( $atom:a$ . $exp:cdr$ ) >> -> a::(atoms cdr)
  | <:sexp< ( ( $exp:caar$ . $exp:cdar$ ) . $exp:cdr$ ) >> ->
    atoms <:sexp< ( $exp:caar$ . ( $exp:cdar$ . $exp:cdr$ ) ) >>

let rec atoms = function
    <:hcsexp< () >> -> []
  | <:hcsexp< $atom:a$ >> -> [a]
  | <:hcsexp< ( () . $exp:cdr$ ) >> -> atoms cdr
  | <:hcsexp< ( $atom:a$ . $exp:cdr$ ) >> -> a::(atoms cdr)
  | <:hcsexp< ( ( $exp:caar$ . $exp:cdar$ ) . $exp:cdr$ ) >> ->
    atoms <:hcsexp< ( $exp:caar$ . ( $exp:cdar$ . $exp:cdr$ ) ) >>


I’ve also applied this same methodology to the entire OCaml AST in
Camlp5 (for which there is a parser, as part of Camlp5) and verified
that the quotations thus generated pass the same tests as the
hand-implemented quotations provided as part of Camlp5.

The quotations of Camlp5 are substantial, and cover almost all of the
OCaml language. I believe that this means it is possible to both
provide full hash-consing support for a very complex AST type, and
full quotation support both for the AST type, and for its
automatically-generated hashconsed variant.

Appendix A: Parameter-parsing for PPX Rewriters

I’ve shown three different PPX rewriters (migrate, hashcons, and
q_ast) and in some of their invocations, there are nontrivial OCaml
expressions to supply as options. Writing the code that converts
these options (OCaml expressions) into values of meaningful types (for
the rewriter code) is unutterably boring, time-consuming, and error-prone: it is
effectively a demarshalling problem. So I wrote a PPX rewriter,
that automates this task, and in fact that is what is used to generate
the demarshallers used in these PPX rewriters. Here is an example:
the params PPX rewriter as used by pa_ppx_migrate to generate
its options demarshaller:

type tyarg_t =
  { srctype : ctyp;
    dsttype : ctyp;
    raw_dstmodule : longid option
      [@name dstmodule];
    dstmodule : longid option
      [@computed longid_of_dstmodule dsttype raw_dstmodule];
    inherit_code : expr option;
    code : expr option;
    custom_branches_code : expr option;
    custom_branches : (lident, case_branch) alist
      [@computed extract_case_branches custom_branches_code];
    custom_fields_code : (lident, expr) alist [@default []];
    skip_fields : lident list [@default []];
    subs : (ctyp * ctyp) list [@default []];
    type_vars : string list
      [@computed compute_type_vars srctype dsttype subs];
    subs_types : ctyp list
      [@computed compute_subs_types loc subs]
[@@deriving params]

type default_dispatcher_t =
  { srcmod : longid;
    dstmod : longid;
    types : lident list;
    inherit_code : (lident, expr) alist[@default []]
[@@deriving params]

type t =
  { optional : bool
  ; plugin_name : string
  ; inherit_type : ctyp option;
    dispatch_type_name : lident[@name dispatch_type];
    dispatch_table_constructor : lident;
    declared_dispatchers : (lident, Dispatch1.tyarg_t) alist
      [@default []] [@name dispatchers];
    default_dispatchers : default_dispatcher_t list[@default []];
    dispatchers : (lident, Dispatch1.tyarg_t) alist
      [@computed compute_dispatchers loc type_decls declared_dispatchers default_dispatchers];
    type_decls : (string * MLast.type_decl) list
      [@computed type_decls];
    pretty_rewrites : (string * Prettify.t) list
      [@computed Prettify.mk_from_type_decls type_decls] }
[@@deriving params {formal_args = {t = [type_decls]}}]

This generates a function params : (string * MLast.type_decl) list -> MLast.expr -> t that performs the entire demarshalling task. At a
couple of points, we supply functions to handle custom demarshalling
operations, but the vast majority of the code (and work) is handled
automatically. This is liberating: it means that there is no cost
to being precise in describing the data one needs as input, and no need
to “encode” arguments into easy-to-parse form. A good comparison is
with the “@with” syntax of the ppx_import PPX rewriter, where it’s
clear that they’re shoe-horning types into expression syntax, for want
of a nicer syntax that is still easily to manipulate.

Appendix B: Types with without vala

In the “Motivation” section, I introduced a type of sexp, and then
the hashconsed version of the type. Neither type had vala markings
in it. The mechanism described in this post can equally well work to
produce quotation-expanders that work over types without vala. The
only difficulty, is that the parser still needs to be defined over a
version of the type with vala, because it will be used to parse
quotations (which must necessarily contain antiquotations). But
everything else works, and in
camlp5/pa_ppx_q_ast/tests/{sexp_example,eg_sexp_example} you will
find the definition and use of “sexpnovala”, a quotation expander for
the first sexp type we defined in this post. I didn’t bother
building the quotation expander for “hcsexpnovala”, but it’s a
straightforward exercise.

In short, the choice of whether your AST type needs to have vala
markings in it, is independent of hash-consing. You only need to
supply a version of your AST type with vala, along with a parser,
for the quotation machinery.

Appendix C: Is vala Necessary?

Consider that sexp type

type sexp =
    Atom of string
  | Cons of sexp * sexp
  | Nil

If we want to provide a ppx_metaquot-like facility for this type,
perhaps we can overload the meaning of the strings in atoms. So the

( _A . foo )

that expands to

Cons(Atom "_A", Atom "foo")

could mean an s-expression with a single meta-variable, _A. But
this meta-variable is necessarily a variable that can only denote an
s-expression, and not a string. More generally, in an AST type if
metavariables are merely overloaded variables, anyplace that a
variable cannot appear, cannot be subject to meta-variable-based
pattern-matching/substitution. So it’s not possible to match on the
list of types or expressions in a tuple type/expression, nor the list
of branches in a match-with. And on and on. This is why the version
of the sexp type with antiquotation markers

type sexp =
    Atom of (string vala)
  | Cons of (sexp vala) * (sexp vala)
  | Nil

includes Atom of (string vala). This allows us to write a pattern
with a metavariable that matches an s-expression, e.g.

Cons (VaVal x, VaVal (Atom (VaVal "foo")))

(in quotation syntax, <:sexp< ( $exp:x$ . bar ) >>) or a
metavariable that matches the string in an Atom,

  (VaVal (Atom (VaVal x)),
   VaVal (Atom (VaVal "foo")))

And this is a general issue in all (meta-)quotation support, not
merely for the OCaml AST. If we want high-quality quotation support
for our data-types, we need to build high-quality suppot for

1 Like

It would be great to have a more elaborated example about lambdas, where some quotation are generated automatically but some of them can be added manually. For example, a quotation which will match only (fun x -> b) where x is free in b. The standard way to implement this in F# will be to declare an active pattern that performs right checks under the hood.

Ha! So my goal in putting together this sequence, was (and remains) to write a “simplifier” for Ocaml code (generated by PPX rewriters)! I generate code with a ton of superfluous redexes, both eta and “simple beta” (that is, (\x.M)N where N is a variable or constant) and I’d like to have a simplifier that reduces then all. The hard part of such a simplifier is that as you go along reducing, you need to compute free-variables of subterms all the time … and so, one naturally thinks of memoization to reduce that overhead. But then one thinks of hash-consing to make memoization faster. One thing leads to another …

Obviously you can’t ask a quotation system to come up with "where x is free in b. But you -can- write

<:expr< fun [ $lid:x$ -> $b$ ] >> when not List.mem x (freevars b)


ETA: and of course (with the machinery above):

<:hcexpr< fun [ $lid:x$ -> $b$ ] >> when not List.mem x (memo_freevars b)

Why can’t?
Why obviously?

Well, I guess one can imagine a quotation system that could do that. But

  1. it’s a semantic property of the AST – that is, computed by a function that isn’t intrinsically part of the AST’s type
  2. the function that computes it requires a full recursion over the AST

I agree that if we’re going to use hashconsed ASTs, then that function -can- be really cheap to compute (b/c freevars can be memoized) but even still, List.mem isn’t a constant-time operation.

I’m thinking only about expressiveness for now.

I have two remarks in no particular order:

  1. the classic hashconsing paper is, in my opinion, not the simplest way
    to do hashconsing in OCaml if you’re willing to modify your terms.
    I have something that relies only on Weak.Make
    and is 30 lines
    that has served me well over the years. It’s so simple I just copy it
    around when I need it, and the performance is good.

  2. if you memoize free variables, you really should use a set, not a
    list. Sets have better union and O(log n) membership test. Apparently
    the good folks working on flambda 2 use Patricia Trees for that as
    their variables are integers, because they tend to have even faster merging.


Re: #1: Uh, the goal of Filliatre&Conchon (I’m only a fan, so I could be misinterpreting) is to solve the problem for recursive data-types, where you want hash-consing at every level of recursion. If you only want hash-consing for one-level types, then sure, a simpler approach suffices.

I might be misinterpreting here. Do you mean hashconsing several mutually recursive types? Or just types that are individually recursive?

This code works very well for individually recursive types, assuming each node has at least a mutable id: int available for use by the hashconsing module. For reference in this project this is the term structure being hashconsed. I haven’t really thought about mutually recursive types but I think one instance of the functor per type would still work.

The assumptions are:
(1) the types were -not- written with hashconsing in mind. Hence, no “id” fields available. Indeed, I assume that there’s pre-existing code written to this “no hashconsing in mind” type-collection.
(2) you can have a collection of mutually-recursive types. For instance, the entire OCaml AST.

The assumptions are:
(1) the types were -not- written with hashconsing in mind. Hence, no “id” fields available. Indeed, I assume that there’s pre-existing code written to this “no hashconsing in mind” type-collection.

but you still need to insert foo hashconsed in there, so the code
needs to be modified anyway, doesn’t it?

(2) you can have a collection of mutually-recursive types. For instance, the entire OCaml AST.

I think it still works as long as you use physical equality for the
other types in the mutually recursive clique.

Anyway, this is going off track. You can email me if you want to discuss
that more :slight_smile:

No, that’s the beauty of using quotations: the -quotations- insert the foo hashconsed expressions or patterns: the programmer just uses quotations.

The method of the paper never performs a full equality (or hashing) of a tree: only down to the next layer of hashconsed nodes. This is part of the reason type-directed generation is necessary: the code would be onerous otherwise.

Kakadu, is this what you mean? [got bored, hey, writing documentation is onerous] Uh, it’s been a -long- time since I worked with lambda-terms, so I might have gotten the reduction strategies wrong, but I think this is right. You can find the code for this (checked-in) at ( )

hnf_beta (pa {| [x][y][z](x z (y z)) [x][y]x [x][y]x [x]x |}) ;;
- : Lam_hashcons.HC.lam = ([x]x)
simplify (pa {| (f ([u][y](u y) uu)) |}) ;;
- : Lam_hashcons.HC.lam = (f uu)
simplify (pa {| (f ([u][y](u y y) uu)) |}) ;;
- : Lam_hashcons.HC.lam = (f [y](uu y y))

One reason why this is challenging in OCaml is that whether something is a free variable is a property of typed code, not surface syntax. For example, whether x is free in the expression M.(x) depends on the type of M.

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