Short question:
Is there example code anywhere for getting bonsai to work with xmlHttpRequest ?
Detailed question:
- I’ve checked the github repo:
rg -i xmlhttp -l
not much there.
On my own, I have code that does xmlHttpRequest, with a return type of Bar.t Deferred.t
(Deferred here referring to janestreet/async).
It is not clear to me how to integrate this Deferred.t with my existing Bonsai app.
Either of the following would be helpful:
4a. Example of bonsai + xmlhttprequest
4b. Example of bonsai + Bar.t Deferred.t
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I do not know if this is the “right” way to do this, or if there are nasty yet to run into side effects, but it appears it is okay (experimentally, n = 1) to start a bonsai app inside a Deferred.t
As a result, we can start the whole process with:
Async_js.init ();
don't_wait_for ( blah );
where blah
is a Deferred.t
that also starts the bonsai app.
Aside: TIL '
is a valid char in a symbol name in OCaml.
Here is a simple example of converting sync and async (deferred) function to Effect
. (It is using bonsai v0.15.1). It’s similar to the examples included in the github repo, if you need to see more.
open! Core
open! Bonsai_web
let uppercase s =
let open Async_kernel in
let%map () = after (Time_ns.Span.of_sec 0.5) in
String.uppercase s
(* Effect of deffered. *)
let uppercase_e : string -> string Effect.t =
Bonsai_web.Effect.of_deferred_fun uppercase
let alert : string -> unit =
fun s -> Js_of_ocaml.Dom_html.window##alert (Js_of_ocaml.Js.string s)
(* Effect of sync *)
let alert_e : string -> unit Effect.t = Effect.of_sync_fun alert
let on_click : _ -> unit Effect.t =
fun _ ->
let%bind.Effect s = uppercase_e "hello, world!" in
alert_e s
let component : Vdom.Node.t Computation.t =
~attr:(Vdom.Attr.on_click on_click)
[Vdom.Node.text "Click me!"] )
let (_ : _ Start.Handle.t) =
Start.start Start.Result_spec.just_the_view ~bind_to_element_with_id:"app"
Dune file:
(names effect_of)
(modes js)
(libraries async_kernel bonsai.web)
(pps js_of_ocaml-ppx ppx_jane)))
Html file:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Hello, Effects!</title>
<script defer src="effect_of.bc.js"></script>
<div id="app"></div>
Dune command:
dune build {effect_of.bc.js,effect_of.html}
@zeroexcuses If you need to use Lwt instead of Async due to dependencies, it’s easy to define another version of Effect.of_deferred_fun for Lwt, as done here: nittany_market/ at main · askvortsov1/nittany_market · GitHub
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