Automatically generate conversion functions from OCaml enums to integers

Suppose you have an OCaml enumeration of the kind:

type enum = A | B | C | D

Is there a standard way to easily derive (or implement with minimal redundancy) the following functions:

let int_of_enum = function
    | A -> 0
    | B -> 1
    | C -> 2
    | D -> 3

let enum_of_int = function
    | 0 -> A
    | 1 -> B
    | 2 -> C
    | 3 -> D
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If you want to go the unsafe route, I would guess that this is correct :

let int_of_enum (e:enum) = 
  (Obj.magic e : int)

let enum_of_int (i:int) = 
   (Obj.magic i : enum)

I have no idea what the range will be though, or how the constructors will be ordered.


This solution works indeed on my ocaml version and it has the benefit of being very fast. Is anyone aware of a safer solution that is guaranteed not to break in the future?

It seems to me that there is a pretty natural coding pattern underlying my question. For example, a simple and efficient way to represent a function of type enum -> t is to simply store an array of t values of size the length of the enum. The enum_of_int and int_of_enum functions would then be needed to manipulate such a representation.


You may be interested in ppx_deriving.enum:

# #require "ppx_deriving.enum" ;;
# type t = A | B | C | D [@@deriving enum] ;;

type t = A | B | C | D
val min : int = 0
val max : int = 3
val to_enum : t -> int = <fun>
val of_enum : int -> t option = <fun>

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for!
I knew ppx_enumerate but not ppx_enum.

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The only thing that is possibly missing from this solution in my opinion is an of_enum_exn: int -> t function that does not allocate an option and can be compiled into a quasi no-op by the compiler. But I am nitpicking here. :slight_smile:

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