[ANN] stdlib-random 1.2

The library stdlib-random is a small compatibility library that provides compiler-independent implementations of the PRNGs used in the history of the standard library Random:

  • stdlib-random.v3: implement the PRNG used in OCaml 3.07 to 3.11
  • stdlib-random.v4: implement the PRNG used in OCaml 3.12 to 4.14
  • stdlib-random.v5: implement the PRNG currently used in OCaml 5
  • stdlib-random.v5o: implement the PRNG currently used in OCaml 5 in pure OCaml

This library is targeted toward programs that need a deterministic and stable behaviour of the Random module across OCaml versions.

The newly released version 1.2.0 updates all implementations to provide the new int_in_range function (and its int32_in_range, nativeint_in_range, int64_in_range variants) that will be available in OCaml 5.2.0.

Note however that the implementations on the pre-OCaml 5 PRNGs are not optimal, since I prioritised the maintenance cost over performance, but that could be changed if required.