[ANN] Release of Gopcaml-mode (0.0.2) - Unicode & Compatibility Update

Hi all, In accordance with my (totally not ad-hoc) annual release strategy, I am pleased to announce the latest release of Gopcaml-mode - an Emacs plugin for structural editing of OCaml code - this version comes with a host of new features, as well as a wider support of OCaml versions (4.08 to 4.12.0).

If you haven’t heard of Gopcaml-mode before, or aren’t sold on the idea, here’s a quick peek at what you can do with the power of semantic structural editing:

Pay attention to how the cursor moves - each one of these jumps is done by expressing a semantic movement (i.e, things like - move to pattern C-c C-p to jump to the nearest enclosing wildcard pattern, or move to nearest let-def C-c C-o to jump to the nearest let binding, etc.).

I’d recommend checking out the release post for version 0.0.1 for a wider selection of examples of what exactly Gopcaml-mode can do, and how you can install it.

More Pretty Pictures

Detailed Changelog

  • Updated to work with OCaml 4.12.0
    • Updated to depend on ocaml-migrate-parsetree, back-porting support back to OCaml.4.08.0+
  • Improved support for jumping to nearest pattern
    • Pressing C-c C-p will now jump to the nearest enclosing wildcard or pattern if no wildcard exists
    • C-c C-o operates as normal for jumping to the nearest let definition
  • Added support for moving within patterns
  • Added support for moving within types
  • improved quality of main Ast_zipper code
    • more comments
    • refactoring TextRegion module to a separate file so it may be reused for other analyses
  • Added support for excluding files
    • Now does not complain when opening ocamllex or menhir files
    • see gopcaml-ignored-extensions variable for more information
  • Fixed ordering of parameters when using optional arguments
    • previously optional arguments would appear before their bindings
  • Added better support for multi-byte strings
    • previously, use of multi-byte strings would cause overlays to
      desynchronise with the code
    • the OCaml parser represents offsets and ranges in terms of byte offsets, while the conversion functions being used in the program (Position.of_int_exn) assumed they were code points
    • the existing code would function correctly on buffers using only single-byte characters, but would fail on buffers with multi-byte buffers
    • now our unicode using foriegn-language friends can too enjoy the power of Gopcaml mode!
  • Fixed bug with transpose expression

Get Gopcaml-mode

Its as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Install from opam:
opam install gopcaml-mode
  1. Compile your emacs with support for dynamic modules

  2. Load gopcaml-mode in your init.el:

 (let ((opam-share (ignore-errors (car (process-lines "opam" "config" "var" "share")))))
	   (when (and opam-share (file-directory-p opam-share))
	     ;; Register Gopcaml mode
	     (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "emacs/site-lisp" opam-share))
         (autoload 'gopcaml-mode "gopcaml-mode" nil t nil)
         (autoload 'tuareg-mode "tuareg" nil t nil)
         (autoload 'merlin-mode "merlin" "Merlin mode" t)
	     ;; Automatically start it in OCaml buffers
	     (setq auto-mode-alist
		   (append '(("\\.ml[ily]?$" . gopcaml-mode)
			     ("\\.topml$" . gopcaml-mode))

See the release post for version 0.0.1 for detailed instructions on how you can install it.
