I’m proud to announce the first release (and my first release) of ppx_deriving_yaml. If you are familiar with the excellent ppx_deriving_yojson then this library should come as no surprise. In fact it helped me a lot in writing this ppx, so thank you to its creators/maintainers.
$ opam update
$ opam install ppx_deriving_yaml
Ppx_deriving_yaml converts your OCaml types to the “basic” OCaml Yaml value type (the one that is currently compatible with ezjsonm). So for example you can have:
type t = { title: string; authors: string list } [@@deriving yaml]
let () =
let v = { title = "Yaml PPX!"; authors = [ "Patrick Ferris" ] } in
let yaml = to_yaml v in
Yaml.pp Format.std_formatter yaml;
match of_yaml yaml with
| Ok t -> Format.print_string t.title
| Error (`Msg m) -> failwith m
The ppx generates two functions:
val of_yaml : Yaml.value -> t Yaml.res
val to_yaml : t -> Yaml.value
And when built with this dune file:
(name main)
(libraries yaml)
(pps ppx_deriving_yaml)))
The following output is generated:
title: Yaml PPX!
- Patrick Ferris
Yaml PPX!
The README contains some more information and the library is still a little rough around the edges, especially with error reporting, but I’m currently using it in a few places such as an “ocaml-ified” github actions library (ppx_deriving_yaml’s test workflow was automatically generated with it ). This is a nice example of how it can be used in a fairly straightforward way to generate OCaml versions of the many projects that use Yaml for configuration files.
Happy yaml-ing