Dear OCaml users,
The batteries maintainers are pleased to announce the latest minor release of OCaml batteries-included: v3.2.0.
Batteries is an open-source, community-maintained, extended standard library for OCaml.
The latest version is available in opam.
Thanks to all the contributors for this release!
The change log follows:
v3.2.0 (minor release)
- BatArray.fold_while: ('acc -> 'a -> bool) -> ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc) ->
'acc -> 'a array -> 'acc * int
(Francois Berenger, review by Cedric Cellier) - Support for OCaml 4.12
(kit-ty-kate) - BatArray.fold is an alias for fold_left
(Francois Berenger) - BatList.fold is an alias for fold_left
(Francois Berenger) - BatArray.count_matching: ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> int
(Francois Berenger) - BatList.count_matching: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> int
(Francois Berenger) - Provide an explicitly unthreaded package
For Dune, provide an alternative batteries.unthreaded package
(Jerome Vouillon) - BatList.findi: correct documentation
(Francois Berenger) - BatOptParse.unprogify: bug fix (issue #965)
‘%prog’ was replaced only once, now it is always replaced
(in accordance with the documentation)
(Francois Berenger, report by OnkV) - Expose Map.remove_exn and Set.remove_exn: 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
(Cedric Cellier)
Happy hacking,
The batteries team.