Dear OCamlers,
It is my pleasure to announce the first release of lz4_chans:
You can use them as drop-in replacement for the channels provided
by the stdlib:
(** open/close binary channels, with LZ4-compression
happening in the background, using a separate process and a named pipes *)
val open_in_bin: string -> in_channel
val open_out_bin: string -> out_channel
val close_in: in_channel -> unit
val close_out: out_channel -> unit
val with_in_file: string -> (in_channel -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_out_file: string -> (out_channel -> 'a) -> 'a
It was fun to write this little system programming thing.
Performance tests on my computer:
2019-05-17 16:38:40.483 INFO : plain_fn: /tmp/lz4_chans_test_1b1d6a.bin
2019-05-17 16:38:41.847 INFO : plain output: 7335450.09 floats/s
2019-05-17 16:38:42.670 INFO : plain input: 12191301.78 floats/s
2019-05-17 16:38:42.686 INFO : lz4_fn: /tmp/lz4_chans_test_8b6517.bin.lz4
2019-05-17 16:38:45.348 INFO : lz4 output: 3757097.68 floats/s; eficiency: 0.51
2019-05-17 16:38:46.518 INFO : lz4 input: 8557598.32 floats/s; efficiency: 0.70