Aliasing Array.set or Array.unsafe_set leads to a 3x slowdown

I’ve been investigating the idea of indexing arrays with opaque id types rather than generic integers but I’ve been running into performance issues doing so. Here is a self-contained, minimal working example illustrating one particular issue I am facing.

In the following example, all I am doing is define an unsafe_set function that aliases Array.unsafe_set. The version of the code using the alias is about 3x slower (compiled with OCaml 4.14 and flambda, using option -O3).

let unsafe_set arr idx v = Array.unsafe_set arr idx v [@@inline]

let normal =
  let arr = Array.make 1 0 in
  fun () -> Array.unsafe_set arr 0 1

let variant =
  let arr = Array.make 1 0 in
  fun () -> unsafe_set arr 0 1

let () =
  let open Core_bench in
  let benchs = [
    Bench.Test.create ~name:"Normal" normal;
    Bench.Test.create ~name:"Variant" variant] in
  benchs |> Bench.make_command |>


│ Name    │ Time/Run │ Percentage │
│ Normal  │   0.89ns │     29.25% │
│ Variant │   3.05ns │    100.00% │

It is unclear to me why such a difference is observed since the two snippets above should intuitively produce the same code. Looking at Flambda’s inlining report, unsafe_set is getting inlined. However, the assembly code produced for the version with aliasing does seem to include an extra bound-check. This check is unexpected since I am using Array.unsafe_set. In any case, replacing Array.unsafe_set by Array.set everywhere makes no difference (same runtimes, 3x gap).

See Flamba's report and the generated assembly code

Flambda inlining report:

* Application of unsafe_set/2{,2-20}

  This function was not specialised because it is not recursive.

  This function was inlined because of an annotation.

Normal version assembly:

	movq	8(%r14), %r15
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_normal__Pccall_36@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx
	movq	%rax, (%rbx)
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_normal__Pccall_36@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	(%rax), %rax
	movq	$3, (%rax)
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_normal__Parrayrefs_34@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_normal__Pccall_36@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx
	movq	(%rbx), %rbx
	movq	-8(%rbx), %rdi
	cmpq	$1023, %rdi

Aliased version assembly:

	movq	8(%r14), %r15
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_alias__Pccall_46@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx
	movq	%rax, (%rbx)
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_alias__Pccall_46@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	(%rax), %rdi
	movzbq	-8(%rdi), %rax
	cmpq	$254, %rax
	je	.L101
	movl	$3, %esi
	call	caml_modify@PLT
	jmp	.L100
	movl	$3, %eax
	movsd	(%rax), %xmm0
	movsd	%xmm0, (%rdi)
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_alias__Parrayrefs_44@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
	movq	camlDune__exe__Asm_alias__Pccall_46@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rbx
	movq	(%rbx), %rbx
	movq	-8(%rbx), %rdi
	cmpq	$1023, %rdi
	call	caml_ml_array_bound_error@PLT

Does anyone have an insight on what may be happening here?
You can download the full code to replicate here.

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It’s likely not being inlined because Array.usnafe_set is a primitive, not an ordinary function.

To offer a possible solution, for your purpose, you could just define unsafe_set yourself using the same primitive but a different type signature:

module MyArray : sig
  type 'a t = private 'a array
  type idx = private int

  external set: 'a t -> idx -> 'a -> unit = "%array_unsafe_set"
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Calling the C primitive directly may be useful indeed for my usecase but this does not fully solve the mystery here in my opinion. Indeed:

  • What I expected to be inlined here is not the Array.unsafe_set call but the call to my own unsafe_set wrapper. This call did get inlined according to Flamba’s report.
  • The assembly seems to indicate pretty clearly that a bound check is inserted in my aliased snippet, which intuitively should not happen regardless of whether or not my wrapper to Array.unsafe_set is inlined.

This is it indeed. Thank you!