through the years I’ve tried from time to time to use ocamldebug and always failed.
And I assumed it was just buggy.
but that cannot possibly be by now.
so - I cannot think of anything more obviously desirable than to be able to run a program
through to a thrown exception then see the backtrace for its origin.
and I cannot do it!!!
backtrace? no output
start? ‘not meaningful in outermost frame’
goto X (picking some arbitrary event number before the final one)? somewhere in the no man’s land of the standard library usually, then ‘backtrace’ shows something but it’s hit and miss.
next/prev? they don’t appear to jump over functions or be symmetrical - one next descends into a function innards while several 'prev’s are needed to get back. WTF?
how can something so simple be so difficult?
I know it’s probably me but after looking at it with a fresh head so many times then retreating, I can’t help but wonder…