What is the status of JIT compilation for OCaml today?


I am wondering what would be the efforts to JIT an evaluation loop with some constant arguments?
I would expect it to be simpler and have less dependencies than full OCaml compilation code. Maybe it already exists off-the-shelf in the compiler.

Here is a basic example:

type op = A | B

let eval_a x = x + 1
let eval_b x = x + x

let rec eval x = function
 | [] -> x
 | A :: l -> eval (eval_a x) l
 | B :: l -> eval (eval_b x) l

let const_eval x = eval x [ B; A; B; A ]

With JIT, I would like to achieve what would have been the result of the compilation of the following:

let const_eval x =
  let x1 = eval_b x in
  let x2 = eval_a x1 in
  let x3 = eval_b x2 in
  eval_a x3

I think it would mainly require three primitives – lambda, apply and return – in order to create custom jit functions:

type 'a t
val lambda : ('a t -> 'b t) -> ('a -> 'b) t
val apply : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
val return : 'a t -> 'a
let comp_eval l : int -> int =
  let rec unroll l x = match l with
    | [] -> x
    | A :: l -> unroll l (apply eval_a x)
    | B :: l -> unroll l (apply eval_b x) in
  return (lambda (unroll l)) 
let const_eval = comp_eval [ B; A; B; A ]


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