What is the status of JIT compilation for OCaml today?

Just a small thing I’d like to add: I extended @dra27’s ocaml-jit to support dynlinking directly from OCaml source without a toplevel: Allow dynlink/eval usage by copy · Pull Request #5 · NathanReb/ocaml-jit · GitHub The patch is pretty small, mostly moving usages of the toplevel api out of the library and exposing functions to add symbols that can be used by the evaluated code. An eval example looks like this: ocaml-jit/eval.ml at 57ef5c906681562186565ff28eeb49eb8e05527e · NathanReb/ocaml-jit · GitHub

I think it’s a much lighter alternative to ocaml_plugin, which embeds the OCaml compiler in a tar archive. Feedback is welcome.