Rehabilitating Packs using Functors and Recursivity

Our new blogpost is about the redemption of packs in the OCaml ecosystem. This first part shows our work to generate functor units and functor packs : Rehabilitating Packs using Functors and Recursivity, part 1.

Packs in the OCaml ecosystem are kind of an outdated concept (options -pack and -for-pack the OCaml manual, and their main utility has been overtaken by the introduction of module aliases in OCaml 4.02. What if we tried to redeem them and give them a new youth and utility by adding the possibility to generate functors or recursive packs?

This blog post covers the functor units and functor packs, while the next one will be centered around recursive packs. Both RFCs are currently developed by JaneStreet and OCamlPro. This idea was initially introduced by functor packs (Fabrice Le Fessant) and later generalized by functorized namespaces (Pierrick Couderc et al.).