Proposed Package Archiving Policy for the opam Repository


just a quick update on the proposed roadmap. The changes are we don’t do avoid-version / deprecated flag cleanups in Phase 1. Instead, we plan to remove packages with deprecated flag in Phase 3. Packages with flag avoid-version will stay in opam-repository, but we reach out to maintainers and authors whether their intention is to mark these packages as deprecated (e.g. for alpha / beta releases and release candidates).

Please find the updated roadmap below:

  • December 1st 2024: announcement of this proposal
  • December 15th 2024: announcement of the packages affected by Phase 1 (uninstallable packages (“available: false”, “opam admin check --installability -i”)
  • January 1st 2025: Phase 1 cutting point: packages are moved to opam-repository-archive
  • January 15th 2025: announcement of the packages affected by Phase 2 (OCaml lower bound 4.08)
  • February 1st 2025: Phase 2 cutting point: packages are moved to opam-repository-archive
  • February 15th 2025: initial spring cleaning, announcement of packages (based on maintenance-intent), and flags: deprecated
  • March 1st 2025: spring cleaning cutting point: packages are moved to opam-repository-archive
  • Every quarter: repeat Phase 3
  • Every year: reconsider Phase 2 with an increased OCaml lower bound