Ppxlib.0.22: an update on the state of ppx

This is unfortunate, though I understand the appeal of a centralized upgrade process. I had hoped to eventually use ppx’s for various project-local metaprogramming tasks. Absent the air cover that the ppx library was to eventually provide against API churn, the tradeoffs of doing so haven’t worked out so far; to quote from Convert from one complicated type(like AST) to another - #9 by cemerick

(Anecdote: to date, I’ve found it to be far easier to simply push code generation (producing types and associated data structures from predefined JSON files for example) to bespoke separate programs that Format.printf code to where it needs to go, and tied together with dune rules. Doing the same thing via ppx was just much more complicated and touched types and APIs that I knew I wasn’t going to recall in the slightest the week after, nevermind a year from now.)

Thank you for your efforts, and for clarifying the design direction in this case.

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