OCaml code snippets proposed as CC-BY-SA 4.0 candidates

Oh, how I have waited for this moment! :tada: Finally, a copyleft-style project that I can actually meaningfully contribute to!

Anyway, here is a proof of the Program fixpoint subsetā€™s obligations:

(* l'arbre ta est-il un sous-ensemble de l'arbre tb ? *)
Program Fixpoint subset (ta : tree) (tb : tree) {measure (cardinal ta + cardinal tb)} : bool :=
  match ta,tb with
  | Empty,_ => true
  | _,Empty => false
  | Fork la na ra,Fork lb nb rb => 
      match na ?= nb with
      | Lt => subset (Fork la na Empty) lb && subset ra tb
      | Gt => subset (Fork Empty na ra) rb && subset la tb
      | Eq => subset la lb && subset ra rb
Obligation 1.
  do 4 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
  do 2 apply plus_lt_compat_l.
  rewrite Nat.add_comm.
  rewrite Nat.add_assoc.
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm (cardinal ra)).
  do 2 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
  apply plus_lt_compat_l.
  apply Nat.lt_lt_add_r.
Obligation 2.
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm (cardinal la + 1)).
  do 2 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
  apply plus_lt_compat_l.
  rewrite Nat.add_assoc.
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm (cardinal la + 1)).
  do 3 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
  do 2 apply plus_lt_compat_l.
  apply Nat.lt_add_pos_r.
  rewrite Nat.add_1_r.
  apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
Obligation 3.
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm (_) 1); rewrite <- Nat.add_shuffle1.
  rewrite Nat.add_shuffle0; rewrite (Nat.add_assoc 1).
  rewrite <- (Nat.add_assoc _ (cardinal la)).
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm (cardinal la)).
  do 4 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc; do 2 apply plus_lt_compat_l.
  apply Nat.lt_add_pos_r.
  rewrite Nat.add_1_r.
  apply (Nat.lt_lt_add_l 0 (S (cardinal lb)) (cardinal la)).
  apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
Obligation 4.
  rewrite Nat.add_shuffle0. 
  rewrite <- (Nat.add_assoc _ (cardinal ra)). 
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm (cardinal ra)); rewrite (Nat.add_assoc (cardinal _ + _)). 
  rewrite <- (Nat.add_assoc _ 1); rewrite (Nat.add_comm 1 (_ + _)).
  do 5 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
  do 3 apply plus_lt_compat_l.
  apply Nat.lt_add_pos_r.
  rewrite Nat.add_1_l.  
  apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
Obligation 5.
  rewrite Nat.add_shuffle0; rewrite <- (Nat.add_assoc _ 1).
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm 1 _); do 4 rewrite <- Nat.add_assoc.
  apply plus_lt_compat_l.
  apply Nat.lt_add_pos_r.
  rewrite Nat.add_1_l.  
  apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
Obligation 6.
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm (_ + 1));  rewrite Nat.add_shuffle2.
  apply Nat.lt_add_pos_r; rewrite (Nat.add_comm _ 1).
  rewrite Nat.add_1_l; apply Nat.lt_0_succ.

Mainly just a bit of number pushing, nothing really fancy here, and Iā€™m pretty sure there is probably a nicer way of writing this (omega?).

Naturally, CC-BY-SA.

Indeed, a simple simpl; lia will be able to solve each of the obligations here.

1 Like

Ah, nice; thanks. Donā€™t usually do too much pure numerical stuff, and mostly stick to ssreflect, so Iā€™m not that familiar with the vanilla coq tactics. The more you know.

Updated proof, indeed everything seems to go through with just lia.

Require Import Lia.
(* l'arbre ta est-il un sous-ensemble de l'arbre tb ? *)
Program Fixpoint subset (ta : tree) (tb : tree) {measure (cardinal ta + cardinal tb)} : bool :=
  match ta,tb with
  | Empty,_ => true
  | _,Empty => false
  | Fork la na ra,Fork lb nb rb => 
      match na ?= nb with
      | Lt => subset (Fork la na Empty) lb && subset ra tb
      | Gt => subset (Fork Empty na ra) rb && subset la tb
      | Eq => subset la lb && subset ra rb
Next Obligation. Proof. simpl; lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. simpl; lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. simpl; lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. simpl; lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. simpl; lia. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. simpl; lia. Qed.

It feels like magic.
Many thanks to you and @Armael :grinning:

Of course the challenge continues.
Then if you complete it you will have to write almost all the chapter 5 (Certifying your code with Coq) of my copyleft book project.
Please, if possible, no ssreflect, just vanilla coq tactics.

(* specification des opƩrations ensemblistes *)

Theorem interval_main_property :
  forall low high n t, member n (interval low high t) <-> member n t /\ low <= n <= high.

Theorem remove_main_property :
  forall n t, ~ member n (remove n t).

Theorem remove_is_conservative :
  forall m n t, member m t /\ m <> n -> member m (remove n t).

Theorem filter_main_property :
  forall n t cond, member n (filter cond t) <-> member n t /\ cond n.

Theorem union_main_property :
  forall n ta tb, member n ta \/ member n tb <-> member n (union ta tb).

Theorem intersection_main_property :
  forall n ta tb, member n ta /\ member n tb <-> member n (intersection ta tb).

Theorem subset_main_property :
  forall n ta tb, (member n ta -> member n tb) <-> subset ta tb.

Theorem disjoint_main_property :
  forall n ta tb, (member n ta -> ~ member n tb) <-> disjoint ta tb = true.

Theorem difference_main_property :
  forall n ta tb, (member n ta /\ ~ member n tb) <-> member n (difference ta tb).

Theorem interval_preserves_order :
  forall t, tree_ordered t ->
  forall low high, tree_ordered (interval low high t).

Theorem remove_preserves_order :
  forall t, tree_ordered t ->
  forall n, tree_ordered (remove n t).

Theorem filter_preserves_order :
  forall t, tree_ordered t ->
  forall cond, tree_ordered (filter cond t).

Theorem union_preserves_order :
  forall ta tb, tree_ordered ta /\ tree_ordered tb -> tree_ordered (union ta tb).

Theorem intersection_preserves_order :
  forall ta tb, tree_ordered ta /\ tree_ordered tb -> tree_ordered (intersection ta tb).

Theorem difference_preserves_order :
  forall ta tb, tree_ordered ta /\ tree_ordered tb -> tree_ordered (difference ta tb).
1 Like

An adventure in data collections
(This is my own original code)

(* categorical functor *)
module type Functor =
   type 'a t
   val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t

(* minimalist intuition about a polymorph data collection *)
module type DataCollection =
   include Functor
   val size : 'a t -> int 
   type index
   val member : index -> 'a t -> 'a

(* Stdlib.List *)
module StdList
   include DataCollection
   with type 'a t = 'a list 
   with type index = int 
   type 'a t =
      'a list
   let map =
   let size =
   type index =
   let member n l =
      List.nth l n

(* Stdlib.Array *)
module StdArray
   include DataCollection
   with type 'a t = 'a array
   with type index = int 
   type 'a t =
      'a array
   let map =
   let size =
   type index =
   let member n a =
      Array.get a n

(* type PairIndex.index *)
module PairIndex
   type index = Fst | Snd

(* a pair of values *)
module Pair
   include DataCollection
   with type 'a t = 'a * 'a
   with type index = PairIndex.index
   type 'a t =
      'a * 'a
   let map f (x,y) =
      (f x,f y)
   let size t =
   type index =
   let member i (x,y) =
      let open PairIndex in
      match i with
      | Fst -> x
      | Snd -> y

(* Braun min-heap *)
module BraunHeap
   include DataCollection
   with type index = unit
   val empty : 'a t
   val add : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t 
   val replace : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
   val remove : 'a t -> 'a t 
   type 'a t =
      | Empty
      | Fork of 'a t * 'a * 'a t
   let rec map f = function
      | Empty -> Empty
      | Fork(l,n,r) -> Fork(map f l,f n,map f r)
   let rec diff n = function
      | Empty -> if n = 0 then 0 else assert false
      | Fork(l,_,r) ->
         if n = 0 then 1
         else if n mod 2 = 1 then diff ((n - 1) / 2) l
         else diff ((n - 2) / 2) r
   let rec size = function
      | Empty -> 0
      | Fork(l,_,r) -> let m = size r in 2 * m + 1 + diff m l
   type index =
   let member () = function
      | Empty -> invalid_arg "BraunHeap.member"
      | Fork(_,n,_) -> n
   let empty =
   let rec add n = function
      | Empty -> Fork(Empty,n,Empty)
      | Fork(l,m,r) ->
         if n < m then Fork(add m r,n,l)
         else Fork(add n r,m,l)
   let rec replace n = function
      | Empty -> invalid_arg "BraunHeap.replace"
      | Fork((Fork(_,m,_) as l),_,Empty)
         when m < n ->
         Fork(replace n l,m,Empty)
      | Fork((Fork(_,na,_) as l),_,(Fork(_,nb,_) as r))
         when na < n || nb < n ->
         if na < nb
         then Fork(replace n l,na,r)
         else Fork(l,nb,replace n r)
      | Fork(l,_,r) -> Fork(l,n,r)
   let rec remove = function
      | Empty -> invalid_arg "BraunHeap.remove"
      | Fork(t,_,Empty) -> t
      | Fork(Empty,_,_) -> assert false
      | Fork((Fork (_,na,_) as l),_,(Fork( _,nb,_) as r)) ->
         if na < nb
         then Fork(r,na,remove l)
         else Fork(replace na r,nb,remove l)

(* type 'a NestT.t *)
module NestT
   type 'a t =
      | Nil
      | Cons of 'a * ('a * 'a) t

(* a nested datatype from the paper "Nested Datatypes"
 * by Richard Bird and Lambert Meertens 1998
module Nest
   include DataCollection
   with type 'a t = 'a NestT.t
   with type index = int
   type 'a t =
      'a NestT.t
   let rec map : 'a 'b . ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t = 
      fun f -> function
      | Nil -> Nil
      | Cons(h,t) -> Cons(f h,map (Pair.map f) t)
   let rec size : 'a . 'a t -> int = function
      | Nil -> 0
      | Cons(_,t) -> 1 + 2 * size t
   type index =
   let rec member : 'a . index -> 'a t -> 'a =
      fun n -> function
      | Nil -> failwith "Nest.member"
      | Cons(h,t) ->
            if n=0 then h else
            let x,y = member (n/2) t in
            if n mod 2 = 0 then x else y

Brute force functional 8-Queens problem
(This is my own original code except the permute function is borrowed from a book whose title i donā€™t remember)

The 8-queens problem is to place 8 queens on a regular chessboard without any threatening possible.

let rec distribute a l =
   match l with 
   | []   -> [[a]]
   | h::t -> (a::l) :: List.map (fun x -> h::x) (distribute a t)
let rec permute = function
   | []   -> [[]]
   | h::t -> List.flatten (List.map (distribute h) (permute t))

let rec one_safe low high = function
   | []   -> true
   | h::t -> h <> low && h <> high && one_safe (low - 1) (high + 1) t

let rec all_safe = function
   | []   -> true
   | h::t -> one_safe (h - 1) (h + 1) t && all_safe t  

let _ =
   List.filter all_safe (permute [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8])

This is more elegant than the OOP backtracking version. Unfortunately itā€™s slow and memory hungry.
Does anyone know a 8-queens solution that retains the smart functional style and yet still compete with the backtracking version ?

The best code (or the more appropriate code) may be found on a blogpost like this one. Then you know the authorā€™s name but you have no more information. You donā€™t know how to contact him / her. You donā€™t know if the ocaml code is copyleft or copyright. The knowledge is there but you canā€™t reuse it.

This thread motivation is : i post my code or code found in a blogspot or La lettre de Caml or wherever.
If nobody complains about copyright then i tend to consider that the code snippet becomes de-facto CC-BY-SA 4.0 or compatible.

Do you know of any legal support for such a position? IANAL but that seems very suspect to me.


A good code, publicly available, does not deserve to be forgotten forever just because no law supports me to declare it as creative-commons.
Do you suggest i could do without a queue module just because Chris Okasaki published it before i do?
Plus the more people like @Armael & @Gopiandcode post their own contribution here, the less educational programming books will be boring due to code attrition.

(PS: i have liked your post because technically you are right)

I am not a lawyer, but this sounds like youā€™re walking on very thin legal ice.

What about exercising your Right to quote - Wikipedia ? Taking small code snippets and integrating them into a textbook sounds like a valid case of quoting to me. (But again: I am not a lawyer.) Make sure to credit the original authors, though.


IANAL but I donā€™t think it works like that. Anyway keeping the focus on this Discourse, the copyright for all contributions here including code samples is already defined (as I mentioned earlier). Again, Iā€™m not a lawyer, but I donā€™t think we can override the license defined in the Terms of Service just by saying so.

1 Like

To facilitate the lawyers work i have marked as such each and every occurrence of outrageous plagiarism.
Just press Ctrl + F and enter ā€œplagiarismā€ to find all the stolen work.

The Marvin Minsky universal turing machine, 1962
(This is my own original code)

OCaml does an amazing work of tail-call optimization.

(* the 4 colors *)
type color =
  | C3 (* red   *)
  | C2 (* green *)
  | C1 (* blue  *)
  | C0 (* white *)

(* a transition: write color c, cursor + i, state s *)
let trans (c3,c2,c1,c0) (i3,i2,i1,i0) (s3,s2,s1,s0) tape cursor =
  match tape.(cursor) with
  | C3 -> tape.(cursor) <- c3; s3 tape (i3 cursor)
  | C2 -> tape.(cursor) <- c2; s2 tape (i2 cursor)
  | C1 -> tape.(cursor) <- c1; s1 tape (i1 cursor)
  | C0 -> tape.(cursor) <- c0; s0 tape (i0 cursor)

(* halt the machine *)
let stop cursor = cursor
let halt tape cursor = () 

(* the 7 states and the machine transition matrix *)
rec s0 t = trans (C2,C0,C3,C2) (pred,pred,succ,succ) (s4,s1,s0,s0) t
and s1 t = trans (C1,C0,C3,C0) (pred,pred,succ,pred) (s1,s1,s0,s1) t
and s2 t = trans (C1,C2,C3,C2) (succ,succ,succ,pred) (s2,s2,s2,s4) t
and s3 t = trans (C1,C2,C3,C3) (succ,succ,succ,pred) (s3,s3,s3,s4) t
and s4 t = trans (C1,C2,C3,C0) (pred,pred,pred,stop) (s5,s4,s4,halt) t
and s5 t = trans (C1,C2,C1,C2) (pred,pred,pred,succ) (s5,s5,s6,s2) t
and s6 t = trans (C0,C0,C1,C2) (succ,succ,succ,succ) (s0,s6,s6,s3) t

Multi-precision natural numbers
(This is my own original code)

Includes Karatsuba multiplication and Burnikel-Ziegler division.
For maximal performance compile with the -noassert flag.

type big_nat = int array
type t = big_nat

let base =
  match Sys.word_size with
  | 32 -> 10000 
  | 64 -> 1000000000 
  | _  -> 10

(* let base = 10;; *)

let zero_big = ([|0|]: big_nat)

let unit_big = ([|1|]: big_nat)

let big_of_int n =
  assert (0 <= n && n < base * base);
  if n < base then ([|n|]: big_nat)
  else ([|n / base;n mod base|]: big_nat)

let print_big (a: big_nat) =
  let print i n =
    if i=0 then print_int n
    else if base=10 then print_int n
    else if base=10000 then Printf.printf "%04d" n
    else Printf.printf "%09d" n
  in Array.iteri print a

let add_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  assert (Array.length a >= Array.length b);
  let result = ref a
  and carry  = ref 0
  and i = ref (Array.length a - 1)
  and j = ref (Array.length b - 1)
  in begin
    while !j >= 0 do
      let d = a.(!i) + b.(!j) + !carry
      in if d < base then begin
        carry := 0; a.(!i) <- d 
      end else begin
        carry := 1; a.(!i) <- d - base
      decr i; decr j; 
    while !carry > 0 do
      if !i >= 0 then begin
        let d = a.(!i) + !carry
        in if d < base then begin
          carry := 0; a.(!i) <- d 
        end else begin
          a.(!i) <- d - base
        decr i;
      end else begin
        result := Array.make (Array.length a + 1) 0;
        Array.blit a 0 !result 1 (Array.length a);
        !result.(0) <- 1; carry := 0;

let sum_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  if Array.length a >= Array.length b then
    add_big (Array.copy a) b
    add_big (Array.copy b) a

let compare_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  if Array.length a < Array.length b then -1
  else if Array.length a > Array.length b then 1
    let i = ref 0 in
      while !i < Array.length a && a.(!i) = b.(!i) do
        incr i;
      if !i = Array.length a then 0
      else if a.(!i) > b.(!i) then 1
      else -1

let min_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  if compare_big a b < 0 then a else b

let max_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  if compare_big a b > 0 then a else b

let sub_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  assert (compare_big a b >= 0);
  let result = ref a
  and carry  = ref 0
  and i = ref (Array.length a - 1)
  and j = ref (Array.length b - 1)
  in begin
    while !j >= 0 do
      let d = a.(!i) - b.(!j) - !carry
      in if d >= 0 then begin
        carry := 0; a.(!i) <- d 
      end else begin
        carry := 1; a.(!i) <- d + base
      decr i; decr j; 
    while !carry > 0 do
      let d = a.(!i) - !carry
      in if d >= 0 then begin
        carry := 0; a.(!i) <- d 
      end else begin
        a.(!i) <- d + base
      decr i;
    if !i < 0 then begin
      i := 0; j := Array.length a - 1;
      while a.(!i) = 0 && !i < !j  do incr i; done;
      if !i >= 0 then result := Array.sub a !i (Array.length a - !i);

let diff_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  assert (compare_big a b >= 0);
  sub_big (Array.copy a) b

let scale_up_big (a: big_nat) n =
  assert (0 <= n && n < base);
  if n = 0 then zero_big
    let accu  = ref 0 
    and carry = ref 0
    and result: big_nat = Array.make (Array.length a + 1) 0
    in begin
      for i = (Array.length a) downto 1 do
        accu := a.(i-1) * n + !carry; 
        result.(i) <- !accu mod base; carry := !accu/base
      result.(0) <- !carry;
      if !carry = 0 then
        (Array.sub result 1 (Array.length a): big_nat)

let shift_big (a: big_nat) n =
  assert (n >= 0);
  if a = zero_big then zero_big
    let result: big_nat = Array.make (Array.length a + n) 0
    in begin
      Array.blit a 0 result 0 (Array.length a);

let long_mult_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  let i = ref 0
  and j = ref (Array.length b-1) in
  let result = ref (shift_big (scale_up_big a b.(!i)) !j) 
  in begin
    while !j > 0 do
      incr i; decr j;
      result := add_big !result (shift_big (scale_up_big a b.(!i)) !j)

let array_sub (a: big_nat) start len = 
  let i = ref start and n = ref len in
  while a.(!i)=0 && !n > 1 do
    incr i; decr n;
  (Array.sub a !i !n : big_nat)

let karatsuba_threshold = 30

let rec mult_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  if Array.length a < Array.length b then
    mult_big b a
  else if Array.length b < karatsuba_threshold then
    long_mult_big a b
    karatsuba_big a b
and karatsuba_big (p: big_nat) (q: big_nat) =
  assert (Array.length p >= Array.length q);
  let len_p = Array.length p  in
  let len_q = Array.length q  in
  let     n = len_p / 2       in
  let     a = array_sub p 0 (len_p - n)  in
  let     b = array_sub p (len_p - n) n  in
  if len_q > n then  
    let      c = array_sub q 0 (len_q - n)  in
    let      d = array_sub q (len_q - n) n  in
    let     ac = mult_big a c  in
    let     bd = mult_big b d  in
    let  ad_bc = sub_big (sub_big (mult_big (sum_big a b) (sum_big c d)) ac) bd
    add_big (add_big (shift_big ac (2*n)) (shift_big ad_bc n)) bd
    let     aq = mult_big a q in
    let     bq = mult_big b q in
    add_big (shift_big aq n) bq

let square_big (a: big_nat) = mult_big a a

let rec power_big (a: big_nat) n =
  assert (n >= 0);
  if n=0 then unit_big
  else if n=1 then a
    let b = power_big a (n/2) in
    if (n mod 2 = 0) then mult_big b b 
    else mult_big (mult_big b b) a

let scale_down_big (a: big_nat) n =
  assert (0 < n && n < base * base);
  let last  = Array.length a - 1 in
  let accu  = ref 0 
  and carry = ref 0
  and result: big_nat = Array.copy a
  in begin
    for i = 0 to last do
      accu := a.(i) + !carry * base; 
      result.(i) <- !accu/n; carry := !accu mod n
    if (result.(0) = 0) && (last > 0) then
      (array_sub result 1 last: big_nat),!carry

let rec burnikel_ziegler_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  if Array.length b <= 2 then
    let b2 = if Array.length b < 2 then b.(0) else b.(0)*base + b.(1) in
    let q,r = scale_down_big a b2
    in  q,big_of_int r
    let   len_a = Array.length a               in
    let   len_b = Array.length b               in
    let       n = (len_b - 1) / 2              in
    let      a0 = array_sub a (len_a - n) n    in
    let      a1 = array_sub a 0 (len_a - n)    in
    if compare_big a1 b >= 0 then
      let q1,r1 = burnikel_ziegler_big a1 b    in
      let q0,r0 = burnikel_ziegler_big (sum_big (shift_big r1 n) a0) b
      in  sum_big (shift_big q1 n) q0,r0
      let    b0 = array_sub b (len_b - n) n    in
      let    b1 = array_sub b 0 (len_b - n)    in
      let q1,r1 = burnikel_ziegler_big a1 b1   in
      let a0_r1 = sum_big (shift_big r1 n) a0  in
      let b0_q1 = mult_big b0 q1               in
      if compare_big a0_r1 b0_q1 >= 0 then
        let plus_x = diff_big a0_r1 b0_q1
        in  q1,plus_x
        let minus_x = diff_big b0_q1 a0_r1 in
        diff_big q1 unit_big, diff_big b minus_x

let quomod_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  if b = zero_big then raise Division_by_zero
  else if compare_big a b < 0 then zero_big,a
  else burnikel_ziegler_big a b

let div_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  let q,r = quomod_big a b in q

let mod_big (a: big_nat) (b: big_nat) =
  let q,r = quomod_big a b in r

I will do no repo. Press Ctrl + A and paste the whole in your favourite text editor. Then you can search and save.
What i will do is that all code in the future book will be available as a single zip archive file.

Braun-tree as a stack datatype
(The concat function is a translation from hackage/Data.Tree.Braun)
(The diff & size functions are from a paper by Chris Okasaki)

type t =
   | Empty
   | Fork of t * int * t

let empty =

let singleton n =
let rec add n = function
   | Empty -> singleton n
   | Fork(l,m,r) -> Fork(add m r,n,l)
let rec member i = function 
   | Empty -> invalid_arg "BraunStack.member"
   | Fork(l,n,r) ->
      if i = 0 then n else
      if i land 1 = 1 then member (i / 2) l
      else member (i / 2 - 1) r
let rec concat ta tb =
   match ta with
   | Empty -> Empty
   | Fork(l,n,r) -> Fork(tb,n,concat l r)

let remove = function
   | Empty -> invalid_arg "BraunStack.remove"
   | Fork(l,_,r) -> concat l r

let rec replace i x = function 
   | Empty -> invalid_arg "BraunStack.replace"
   | Fork(l,y,r) ->
      if i = 0 then Fork(l,x,r) else
      if i land 1 = 1 then Fork(replace (i / 2) x l,y,r)
      else Fork(l,y,replace (i / 2 - 1) x r)
let rec diff n = function
   | Empty -> if n = 0 then 0 else assert false
   | Fork(l,_,r) ->
      if n = 0 then 1
      else if n mod 2 = 1 then diff ((n - 1) / 2) l
      else diff ((n - 2) / 2) r
let rec size = function
   | Empty -> 0
   | Fork(l,_,r) -> let m = size r in 2 * m + 1 + diff m l

ā„ ā†’ ā„ functions :

type t = 
	| X			 (* the x variable *)
	| R of float (* a real number  *)
	| Add of t * t
	| Mul of t * t
	| Sin of t
	| Cos of t
	| Tan of t
	| Log of t
	| Exp of t
	| Power of t * float

Recursion for derive :

let rec recu c = function
	| X -> c#x
	| R k -> c#r
	| Add (u,v) -> c#add (recu c u) (recu c v)
	| Mul (u,v) -> c#mul u (recu c u) v (recu c v)
	| Sin u -> c#sin u (recu c u)
	| Cos u -> c#cos u (recu c u)
	| Tan u -> c#tan u (recu c u)
	| Log u -> c#log u (recu c u)
	| Exp u -> c#exp u (recu c u)
	| Power (u,2.) -> c#power_2 u (recu c u)
	| Power (u,a)  -> c#power_a u a (recu c u)

Laws for derive :

let derive =  
	recu (		
			method x = R 1.
			method r = R 0.
			method add du dv = Add (du,dv)
			method mul u du v dv = Add (Mul(du,v),Mul (u,dv))
			method sin u du = Mul (du,Cos(u))
			method cos u du = Mul (R(-1.),Mul (du,Sin(u)))
			method tan u du = Mul (du,Power(Cos(u),-2.))
			method log u du = Mul (du,Power(u,-1.))
			method exp u du = Mul (du,Exp u)
			method power_2 u du = Mul(R(2.),Mul(du,u))
			method power_a u a du = Mul(R(a),Mul(du,Power(u,a-.1.)))
		end )

When ocaml 4.14.0+ is used you can remove unnecessary parentheses.

Code demonstration for recursors.

type 'a set =
	| Empty
	| Fork of 'a node 
and 'a node =
	{left:'a set;item:'a;right:'a set}

Our recursor boilerplate code :

(* strict catamorphism *)
type ('a,'b) fold =
	<empty: 'a; fork: 'a -> 'b -> 'a -> 'a>
let rec fold s (case:('a,'b) fold) =
	match s with
	| Empty -> case#empty
	| Fork n -> case#fork (fold n.left case) n.item (fold n.right case)
(* lazy catamorphism *)
type ('a,'b) cata =
	<empty: 'a; fork: (unit -> 'a) -> 'b -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a>
let rec cata s (case:('a,'b) cata) () =
	match s with
	| Empty -> case#empty
	| Fork n -> case#fork (cata n.left case) n.item (cata n.right case)

(* strict paramorphism *)
type ('a,'b) recu =
	<empty: 'b;
	 fork: 'a node -> 'b -> 'b -> 'b>
let rec recu s (case:('a,'b) recu) =
	match s with
	| Empty ->
	| Fork n ->
			case#fork n (recu n.left case) (recu n.right case)
(* lazy paramorphism *)
type ('a,'b) para =
	<empty: 'b;
	 fork: 'a node -> (unit -> 'b) -> (unit -> 'b) -> 'b>
let rec para s (case:('a,'b) para) () =
	match s with
	| Empty ->
	| Fork n ->
			case#fork n (para n.left case) (para n.right case)

Yes we will pass a lot of immediate objects as argument so ocaml 4.14.0+ is recommended here (so you can remove unnecessary parentheses).

let strahler s =
	fold s (
			method empty = 0
			method fork l _ r =
				if l = r then r+1 else max l r
		end )
let cardinal s =
	fold s (
			method empty = 0
			method fork l _ r = l + 1 + r
		end )
let singleton item =
	Fork {left=Empty;item;right=Empty}
let add x s =
	para s (
			method empty =
				singleton x
			method fork n l r =
				let y = n.item in
				if x < y then Fork {n with left = l ()}
				else if x > y then Fork {n with right = r ()}
				else Fork n
		end ) ()
let member x s =
	cata s (
			method empty = false
			method fork l y r =
				if x < y then l()
				else if x > y then r()
				else true
		end ) ()

let interval low high s =
	cata s (
			method empty = Empty
			method fork l x r =
				if high < x then l ()
				else if low > x then r()
				else Fork {left=l ();item=x;right=r ()}
		end ) ()

let minimum n =
	fold n.left (
			method empty acc = acc
			method fork l x r acc = l x 
		end ) n.item
let remove_minimum n =
	recu n.left (
			method empty acc = acc
			method fork n l r acc = Fork {n with left=l n.right}
		end ) n.right
(* concatenation of sa + sb where max(sa) < min(sb) *)				
let concat sa sb =
	if sa = Empty then sb else
	match sb with
	| Empty -> sa
	| Fork n ->
		let item = minimum n
		and right = remove_minimum n
		in Fork {left=sa;item;right}

let remove x s =
	para s (
			method empty =
			method fork n l r =
				if x < n.item then Fork {n with left=l()}
				else if x > n.item then Fork {n with right=r()}
				else concat n.left n.right
		end ) ()	
let split x s =
	para s (
			method empty =
			method fork n l r =
				let y = n.item in
				if x < y then
					let a,b,c = l() in
					a,b,Fork {n with left = c}
				else if x > y then
					let a,b,c = r() in
					Fork {n with right = a},b,c
		end ) ()
let for_all cond s =
	cata s (
			method empty = true
			method fork l y r =
				l() && cond y && r()
		end ) ()

(* set operations *)
let union sa sb =
	fold sa (
			method empty s =
			method fork la na ra s =
				match s with
				| Empty ->
				| Fork _ ->
					let lb,_,rb = split na s in
					Fork {left=la lb;item=na;right=ra rb}
		end ) sb
let intersection sa sb =
	fold sa (
			method empty s =
			method fork la na ra s =
				match s with
				| Empty ->
				| Fork _ ->
					let lb,b,rb = split na s in
					if b then Fork {left=la lb;item=na;right=ra rb}
					else concat (la lb) (ra rb)
		end ) sb
let difference sa sb =
	recu sa (
			method empty s =
			method fork n la ra s =
				match s with
				| Empty ->
					Fork n
				| Fork _ ->
					let lb,b,rb = split n.item s in
					if b then concat (la lb) (ra rb)
					else Fork {left=la lb;item=n.item;right=ra rb}
		end ) sb
let disjoint sa sb =
	fold sa (
			method empty s =
			method fork la na ra s =
				match s with
				| Empty ->
				| Fork _ ->
					let lb,b,rb = split na s in
					if b then false
					else la lb && ra rb
		end ) sb
let subset sa sb =
	fold sa (
			method empty s =
				s = Empty
			method fork la na ra s =
				match s with
				| Empty ->
				| Fork _ ->
					let lb,b,rb = split na s in
					if b then la lb && ra rb
					else false
		end ) sb

let equal sa sb =
	subset sa sb && subset sb sa