If-lets and more general extensions of pattern-matching were also more recently discussed here: Musings on extended pattern-matching syntaxes.
I am not sure that the scepticism about if-lets is so shared by everyone. My personal experience, being familiar with if-lets from other languages, is that you often find this feature missing for readability, for instance when it expresses in one line what currently requires three plus a pair of parentheses around the match, or when it avoids a nesting linear in the number of elses. And given that it means that any place currently accepting a boolean (if, while, when) would simply accept pattern matchings too, this does not seem to increase the language surface much (and when-lets probably increase the expressiveness). (Other extensions increase expressiveness for sure but probably cost more in terms of language complexity and design effort.)
But my perception (speaking as an outsider to this part of the language) is that for such ideas to move forward, it would require somebody brave enough to read all the discussions on this topic, summarise the debate, write a proposal that addresses all the points, and, most importantly, promises to provide a polished implementation, without any guarantee.