I am creating a new set of makefiles for F* which translates to OCaml and compiles using dune. The ml
builds and opam installs nicely but I can’t find a simple recipe to copy src/.{fst,fsti} F files into the package.
Whats a way to get dune to build a package that it, and OPam, will install in my Opam package’s lib directory?
The F* compiler needs the sources to compile, the binaries are just fine.
Not today. I never put in exclude flags. If time-sensitive you can just do a (deps (subtree .../ulib)) (progn (run (diskuvbox copy-dir .../ulib %{whatever})) (system (rm %{whatever}/Main.fst))) … please edit and use correct syntax. If you can wait until midweek I can add exclude flags.
I think I could start with some more basic help.
has all of the F* sources (*{.fst,.fsti})
and under it lib has all of the compiled ML files.
I’m not even getting that with a basic dune setup.
Is the compiled ML really supposed to be in a lib/lib?
How do I move my sources (including Main to start) into the /lib (not the double?)