Is this any different from the discussion you started on Installing on Windows ? The one where you said that “Ocaml’s inability to “relocate” properly has broken the (MSYS2) port”?
I’ll mention again what I said in that thread (“There is no obstacle except people power”) and almost all threads related to Windows. And in particular, a MSYS2 port is not something I would ever almost never prioritize in Diskuv OCaml, since that is focused on native development (ie. MSVC not GCC on Windows). Diskuv OCaml makes a lot of opinionated choices that may not reflect what you need. I do believe that I’ve been very upfront on what those choices are; confer the first paragraph of GitHub - diskuv/dkml-installer-ocaml: The Windows-friendly distribution of OCaml . And I must pick and choose because the Windows distribution is a part-time, tangential endeavor for my company.
That doesn’t mean you or anyone else couldn’t make a MSYS2 port their priority. It’s open source. And I think it would be a good idea. Hack away!
BTW, this same topic (lack of contributors) has come up in the recent OCaml compiler thread, recent dune thread and by myself for recent Windows threads. It may be time for a reset of expectations for members who are capable of being contributors.