How to "block" in an agnostic way?

I’ve thought about the blocking problem a bit in the context of interop between different concurrency libraries. Unlike GHC Haskell or Go, OCaml does not bake in a thread scheduler and primitive synchronization structure (MVars in GHC and channels in Go). While this allows users the freedom to develop their own concurrency libraries, interop between them becomes tricky as there is no fundamental synchronization mechanism. Specifically, I have been thinking about applications that might want to utilise both domainslib and eio at the same time. Currently, there is no clean way for the user-level thread in eio (a fibre) to synchronize with a user-level thread in domainslib (a task) since the libraries are not aware of each others blocking and wake up semantics. Of course, one can build a custom channel that is specialised for those two libraries. This is similar to this rust crate which allows mixing between Tokio and Rayon. These pointwise solutions are unsatisfactory.

Ideally, I would like the synchronization structure, that which allows different lightweight threads to communicate in a blocking fashion, to be independent of the actual scheduler that they belong to. You should be able to use such a structure to communicate in a blocking fashion between user-level threads that belong to different schedulers.

It turns out we can do this thanks to effect handlers if we agree on an interface. Every library that implements its own scheduler handles the effect:

type 'a resumer = 'a -> unit
type _ eff += Suspend : ('a resumer -> unit) -> 'a eff

Whenever the synchronization structure (say MVar or Channel) wants to block the current user-level thread on a particular condition, it performs Suspend f. At the handler, i.e, the scheduler, f is applied to a “resumer” function. This resumer function, when applied to the result, adds the blocked thread to the scheduler so that it resumes with the result. The blocking operation squirrels away this resumer in the synchronization structure’s state. Now that the current thread is blocked in the synchronization structure, the handler switches control to the next runnable thread in the scheduler.

Rather than trying to understand the semantics by reading this English description, it may be easier to see this interface in action. Here is an implementation of scheduler parametric mvar. The MVar implementation does not refer to a concrete scheduler. We use this MVar to communicate between a LIFO and a FIFO scheduler. If both domainslib and eio handle the suspend effect, then we can use the same MVar to coordinate between them (of course, the MVar implementation needs to be made multi-threading safe).

The core scheduler interface also includes a Stuck effect.

type _ eff += Stuck : unit eff (* needs a better illustrative name *)

in order to distinguish between the cases where (a) the scheduler queue is empty and there are no thread blocked on a synchronization structure and (b) the scheduler queue is empty and there are threads that are blocked on a synchronization structure. The former indicates the end of execution of the scheduler while the latter must be handled specially such that when the blocked thread resumes the scheduler continues. It turns out that the Stuck effect is also nice to construct hierarchical schedulers (as is done in the example code).

If we agree that something like this is a good interface, then the effects should be declared in the standard library (or at a similar level) so that different concurrency libraries may coordinate.