"Goto definition" feature not working in hackwaly's OCaml extension on VSCode

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Yes, I already thought of, and did, both the things you’re suggesting here (and the problem stayed the same).

It is strange! But possible. I think the VSCode+OCaml extension/Merlin combo is not 100% effective … I personally am experiencing this wackiness on a particular (larger) codebase … might be worthwhile filing a bug ticket to get to the bottom of this.

As of now, after having tried (more or less at random) most of the tricks suggested here or in the links, and restarted my computer, now it finally seems to work. Phew

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how did you get it work?

anyone can get it work in linux?

I clone, checkout to not_work, open vscode and it knows the module Util without problem. I only have the vscode-ocaml extension installed. No configuration at all. I’m using ocaml 4.04.1 instead of 4.04.0, but it should change anything.

thanks for testing. works for me too now. but for a bit larger project, still do not work well.

Or directly:

opam config exec -- /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app/Contents/MacOS/Electron