Explicit type binding and mutual recursion

For most use cases, if you want an explicit annotation for recursive function, it will be much simpler to use the type a. ... form:

let rec foo: type a. a -> a = fun x -> x
and bar: type a. a -> a = fun x -> foo x

This form is a shortcut for both adding an explicit universal quantified and and a corresponding locally abstract type (in other words let f : 'a . .... = fun (type a) -> ... ).

The root issue with

let rec f (type a) (x:a) = f x

is that the locally abstract type a is introduced after f. Moreover, without an explicit type annotation, a recursive function like f is monomorphic in its body and a monorphic function cannot be called on a type that was defined after the function.

In other words, the issue is that in term of type scopes, the function f is equivalent to

let f = ref Fun.id
type t = A
let x = !f A

which also fails with

Error: This expression has type t but an expression was expected of type 'a
       The type constructor t would escape its scope

This is why the second solution proposed by @Gopiandcode works. Indeed, in

let foo, bar = fun (type a) ->
  let rec foo (x: a) : a = x
  and bar (x: a) : a = foo x in
  foo, bar

the type a is defined before the recursive functions foo and bar, thus foo a does not break any scope constraint.