I started to write a few posts on how opam should be used in my opinion and what to learn for someone comming from the javascript world. To support this effort, I think that compilation cache (I’m not sure that the name is correct, please tell me) is an important feature.
Some good work has already been done to tackle this issue. If you follow the instructions on this page, you should be able to experience instant switch creation or package installation. But it seems that there are still problems with ocamlfind.
As a side note, I am thinking that we could have a topic gathering the different existing bounties. I already created one to fix lwt ppx in the past. Ahrefs creates bounties now and then. One central point could help for visibility.
I agree that having a central list somewhere (perhaps on ocamlverse?) of all extant bounties would be a really good thing. It would let people know what the community is interested in paying for.
This bounty is about to expire. Which means the money will be lost. If someone could start to work on this task by the end of the month, please claim the bountry. Otherwise if you know a student or someone who needs the money and can claim the bounty, put us in touch and I will validate their claim. Ideally it would be nice if the person is in the ocaml community. But at the end of the day I don’t care much. I just don’t want the money to be lost.