Behaviour driven development in OCaml

I had planned to hold off an announcement until a better time when I had more features. However, I and @Thegaram, who has been a great help, are working on which is progressing towards implementing Cucumber in OCaml. I would caution that we are still in very early stages but if you are interested in it, please head over to the repository and have a look.

Things we can already do:

  • Given, When, Then already work so there is a basic runtime.
  • Before and After hooks work.
  • State passing between steps by default

Things that are outstanding:

  • Tags do not work at the moment (the structures are there but we need to hook them up)
  • Running multiple feature files from the command line (we need to implement command line arguments but I am bouncing back and forth on using a getopt library or Cmdliner)
  • I am sure there are things that I am missing

I will be attending CukenFest in London later in the month and I will be doing the OSS hack day so I am hoping to get basic tags working then.