[ANN] Windows-friendly OCaml 4.12 distribution 2nd preview release (0.2.0)

0.2.5 is available. This release brings significant user friendly improvements.

There is a new binary called with-dkml.exe. Just plop with-dkml in front of a Windows command that requires access to Unix scripts (ie. with-dkml opam install) and it should just work.

There is now a section called Beyond Basics in the Diskuv OCaml user documentation that walks through:

  • the first and second tutorials of Getting Started - Learn OCaml
  • the bare Opam essentials you need as a beginner (how to find and select an Opam switch, and how to find and install packages using with-dkml opam install), all without leaving the Command Prompt
  • installing Visual Studio Code with the OCaml plugin

Huge thanks to @Butanium who lent me much of his time to validate usability from the perspective of a newcomer. More feedback is always welcome.


PS. You won’t need with-dkml most of the time. The Beyond Basics documentation shows how to run Dune and the OCaml native compiler directly from the Visual Studio Command Prompt.