[ANN] slug 1.0.0 - URL-safe slug generator

I want to introduce my first library ever released on opam.
Link to Github repository: GitHub - thangngoc89/ocaml-slug: Url safe slug generator for OCaml


Url safe slug generator for OCaml

A URL slug is the part of a URL or link that comes after the domain extension.

In websites the keyword used for your URL slug can be used to SEO optimize the URL by showing Google the structure of your site and the contents of the page in question.

This library turns title into URL-safe slug with support for non-latin characters.

This library uses algorithm and data from node-slugify


opam install slug

If you use esy

esy add @opam/slug


  • OCaml syntax:
Slug.slugify "my string";;
- : string = "my-string"

(* Custom separator *)
Slug.slugify ?sep: "_" "my string";;
- : string = "my_string" 

(* Retain uppercase *)
Slug.slugify ?lowercase: false "My String";;
- : string = "My-String" 

(* Use locale *)
let with_vi = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap [Slug_data.base; Slug_data.vi]);;
- : Charmap.t = <abstr>
Slug.slugify ?charmap: with_vi "Đ";;
- : string = "d" 
Slug.slugify "Đ";;
- : string = "dj"

(* Custom characters map *)
let custom_map = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap [Slug_data.base; [ ("M", "z"); ("m", "z") ]]);;
val custom_map : Charmap.t = <abstr>

Slug.slugify ?charmap: custom_map "Mm";;
- : string = "zz"
  • ReasonML syntax
Slug.slugify("my string");
- : string = "my-string"

/* Custom separator */
Slug.slugify(~sep = "_", "my string");
- : string = "my_string" 

/* Retain uppercase */
Slug.slugify(~lowercase = false, "My String");
- : string = "My-String" 

/* Use locale */
let with_vi = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap([Slug_data.base, Slug_data.vi]));
let with_vi : Charmap.t = <abstr>
Slug.slugify(~charmap = with_vi, "Đ");
- : string = "d" 
- : string = "dj"

/* Custom characters map */
let custom_map = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap([Slug_data.base, [ ("M", "z"), ("m", "z") ]]));;
let custom_map : Charmap.t = <abstr>

Slug.slugify(~charmap = custom_map, "Mm");
- : string = "zz"


Please don’t send PR to update data/*. They are auto-generated from upstream library.

Please send PRs about new locales to node-slugify.

If you really need it, you can use a custom_map instead.


MIT. Data are downloaded from node-slugify