[ANN] setup-dkml.yml GitHub Actions workflow for distributing binaries

There is a new major version 1.1.0 available. It is not backwards-compatible but it adds:

  • Supports GitLab CI/CD in addition to GitHub Actions
  • Supports testing/troubleshooting/developing your CI on your desktop (macOS, Linux if you have Docker, and Windows if you have Visual Studio). You do not need DKML installed on your machine.

The only known issue is that GitLab CI/CD sometimes kills the Windows build of the OCaml compiler when using the shared GitLab SaaS runner; retrying the job usually fixes that.

If you had used the v0 series of the workflow, that version will continue to be supported for a few months but won’t get any updates unless the update is critical.

Upgrading? The most straightforward way is to introduce 1.1.0 into your project (see the link above) and only after it is working you should remove the v0 GitHub child workflow.

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