[ANN] qcheck-lin and qcheck-stm 0.2

I just rolled a 0.5 release of qcheck-lin, qcheck-stm, and qcheck-multicoretests-util: Release 0.5 · ocaml-multicore/multicoretests · GitHub

The biggest news in the 0.5 release is the addition of Util.Pp.pp_fun_ for printing function values generated with QCheck.To ensure quoted and escaped output for chars and strings, this required bumping the qcheck-core lower bound to the freshly released qcheck-core.0.23. This in turn, enabled a couple of other clean-ups:

  • #492: Also use the new, upstreamed Gen.exponential combinator in STM
  • #491: Require qcheck.0.23, simplify show functions by utilizing it, and update expect outputs accordingly
  • #486: Add Util.Pp.pp_fun_ printer for generated QCheck.fun_ functions

Happy testing and happy holidays! :smiley: :christmas_tree: