[ANN] Petrol 1.0.0 - A high-level typed SQL API for OCaml designed to go fast!

If I’m understanding right, you want the database to somehow encode the same level of constraints/rules/variants that your domain has. Right? If so, yeah you’re right that no databases have the same level of features to model what you expect to do in ocaml.

I separate my domain logic from my storage code, and have a layer in b/t to convert domain, parsed, validated data into sql and back. At the database level, I’ll do the best I can to design invariants as much as I can but it’s impossible to have it perfect.

sql / external data is parsed → domain
domain → transformed → sql

Nvm, with this statement, you’re talking about reading your in-memory records via sql syntax. That sounds tough. I would think it’s just fast enough to read directly from sql.

Also saw the other thread now. I’ll just leave this here for now.

Saw this proposed extension to SQL recently and I guess Petrol might have been ahead of the curve :slight_smile: