[ANN] New Try-Alt-Ergo website


We are pleased to announce the new version of the Try Alt-Ergo website!

As a reminder, Try Alt-Ergo allows you to write and run your problems in your browser without any server computation. It was designed to be a powerful and simple tool to use.

Updates concern these parts of the site:

  • A new back end in JavaScript
  • Front end with news features (Ace editor, top panel, right panel, etc.)

Take a look at our blogpost to read how we have updated the Try Alt-Ergo website and what’s new! You can also visit the Try Alt-Ergo website directly. As usual, do not hesitate to report bugs, to ask questions, or to give your feedback.

The Alt-Ergo dev team - OCamlPro


I had a look to understand that Alt-Ergo is an SMT solver. Anybody interested in SMT solvers probably already has one installed locally. So what would be a good problem to solve to get me interested in SMT solving with Alt-Ergo?