[ANN] living 0.1.0

I’m pleased to announce the first pre-opam version of the living library, currently available only on GitHub for testing. I have some basic tests and a README explaining what it’s for, but basically, it prevents mistakes like

open Ctypes

(** Returns a pointer into the argument character string that points to the first
    instance of the argument character. *)
let strchr : char ptr -> char -> char ptr = 
  Foreign.foreign "strchr" (ptr char @-> char @-> returning (ptr char))

let () =
  let p = CArray.start (CArray.of_string "abc") in
  let q = strchr p 'a' in
  let () = Gc.compact () in
  let c = !@ q in
  if Char.(equal c 'a') then print_endline "yay!" else print_endline "boo!"

above from causing you pain. If you weren’t aware, the code above will almost always print “boo!”. Using living, you can replace it with this code:

open Living
open Living_ctypes

let strchr  : char ptr -> char -> char ptr Living_core.t = 
  let strchr_unsafe = Foreign.foreign "strchr" (ptr char @-> char @-> returning (ptr char)) in
  fun s c -> Living_core.(strchr_unsafe s c => s)

let _ =
  let open Living_core.Let_syntax in
  let* p = CArray.start (CArray.of_string "abc") in
  let* q = strchr p 'a' in
  let () = Gc.compact () in
  let* c = !@ q in
  if Char.(equal c 'a') then print_endline "yay!" else print_endline "boo!"
  Living_core.return ()

and it will always print “yay!”

Edit: should probably link to it!